
Your Aged Care, Disability, Health Care & Child Care Education Specialists

Dedicated on delivering cost-effective and easy-to-access training programs that enhance the skills of your team through a blend of theoretical, practical and experiential learning experiences. Our courses are tailored to discrete sectors and disciplines, allowing us to optimise outcomes for participants such as Governance & Planning, Financial Management, Marketing, Software, Clinical, Retirement Living and Human Resources.

Our Courses

Business Development for Home Care & NDIS Providers (BDEV101)

The fundamentals of business development for Home Care and NDIS providers. Since the introduction of the NDIS in 2016 and the deregulation of the Home Care industry in 2015, these two sectors have transformed into a competitive marketplace. Organisations that want to continue to deliver on their mission must implement business development strategies to attract and retain NDIS participants and Home Care clients while competing with other organisations that are trying to do the same.

Board Masterclass for Aged Care and Disability Providers (MAST201)

Engage your Board in a program that discusses key areas that all Boards and Management teams should focus on in the running of their business. A comprehensive program for Aged Care and Disability Boards and Management teams that explores Corporate Governance, Sector trends and future directions, Risk Management, Innovation, Financial Drivers, Human Resources and Marketing.

Fundraising Fundamentals for NFP’s (FUND101)

The essential guide to implementing effective fundraising strategies for Not-For-Profit organisations. With all the pressures facing the not-for-profit (NFP) sector, finding time to focus on priorities that aren't core business, such as fundraising, is a never-ending challenge. But when we look at the NFP sector, we see proof that organisations that prioritise fundraising have increased brand awareness, increased community support, and increased revenue.

Coming Soon

Board Masterclass for General Practice

Board Masterclass for Practice Management

Board Masterclass for ORIC Businesses

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